Author: Olivia Martinez

Within the next few weeks, we’ll be winding down Ethereum Studio. Please use this time to download any projects you have saved. To download your project, use the download icon in the file explorer. If you’re looking for another web environment for your Solidity development, we recommend Remix. Also, we encourage you to consider setting up a local development environment. For tools, documentation, and more, check out our developer portal. Why sunset Studio? The education resources and developer tools available in the community have improved significantly since we added Studio to the website. We’re re-evaluating Studio’s role, and while we…

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Friends, Leaves have fallen for those in the global north, Summer is on the way in the south, and ETH is staked across the globe. The jolliest of holidays has arrived, the birth of the beacon chain. Moreover, incredible progress has been made in recent months by all EF supported teams. But without the ability to interact in person recently, we might’ve missed quite a bit from one another. So as this unique year draws to a close, we’re excited to bring a whole host of detailed updates to you from some of the teams that help to move Ethereum…

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T’was the day before genesis, when all was prepared, geth was in sync, my beacon node paired. Firewalls configured, VLANs galore, hours of preparation meant nothing ignored. Then all at once everything went awry, the SSD in my system decided to die. My configs were gone, chain data was history, nothing to do but trust in next day delivery. I found myself designing backups and redundancies. Complicated systems consumed my fantasies. Thinking further I came to realise: worrying about these kinds of failures was quite unwise. Events The beacon chain has several mechanisms to incentivise validator behaviour, all of which…

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We hope that you are all excited for the upcoming year-end holidays. Today, we’ve got some exciting new changes to announce for’s Translation Program and some milestones to celebrate. To start, we can’t thank you enough for all of your support this year. Thanks to you we’ve been able to update 16 languages in 2020! And since our launch 13 months ago, unique pageviews of translated content have grown 10 times more than last year. 🎉 But we don’t want to stop there… Help us with v2.0+ Today we’re announcing our next big content push that’s ready for translations.…

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We’re here with our last hurrah before we head into 2021 – read on for the latest news on a few grantees! Gitcoin for CLR matching Gitcoin’s CLR grants were one of the first real-world uses of quadratic funding, with the number of unique contributors to a grant carrying greater weight than the dollar total in determining the match amount. CLR grants have come a very long way since the first round in early 2018! With 16 organizations and almost as many individuals pledging matching funds as of Round 8, it has grown into a truly community-driven support system for…

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At the start of December, the Ethereum community bootstrapped the new beacon chain proof-of-stake consensus mechanism — the foundation of Ethereum’s long-term and sustainable home. The launch was a resounding success, and the operation of the beacon chain has proved, thus far, stable and robust. As I write these words, the beacon chain is live with more than 2.5M ETH securing its consensus. So this is the “state of eth2” today. But what’s next? What’s on the horizon, and where are we going? This post aims to provide high level context on the state of Ethereum’s eth2 upgrade — an…

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Friends, In the time since the last Devcon announcement, the state of the Ethereum ecosystem has been electric. We’ve realized critical milestones on the Eth2 roadmap, as well as countless breakthroughs and major progress by teams across the ecosystem. We are incredibly excited to celebrate these achievements with all of you at Devcon in Bogota soon. That said, we need to talk about timing, because we’ve made the difficult decision to hold off on reuniting for a bit longer rather than pushing ahead with our August target (☔️✔). While nothing is guaranteed given the ongoing pandemic, we’re hopeful that a…

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Our intrepid grantees have been keeping busy as always – read on for some recent accomplishments 🏆 ENS ENS (Ethereum Name Service) runs on the Ethereum blockchain, but it’s not just for ETH addresses! ENS maps human-readable domain names to locations all across the distributed web, including ethereum and other blockchain addresses, Tor .onion addresses, decentralized websites and data hashes stored on IPFS, and more. ENS continues to expand its reach, with recent integrations including: That’s far from everything – read the ENS 2020 Retrospective for a recap of a pretty packed year, follow ENS on Twitter @ensdomains and check…

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We’re excited to announce the grantees selected for the recent staking community grants round. This grants round invited proposals that make the Ethereum staking experience easier, safer, and more secure. We were thrilled to see all of the great work proposed by these teams, and we’re looking forward to continuing to find new ways to support the ecosystem. In the meantime, if you’re working on something in this space and could use support, consider submitting a project inquiry with the Ecosystem Support Program. More than $1M has been allocated across 25 grants in 4 different categories: categoryamount (USD)community / education391,800.00new…

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tl;dr Eth2 Workshop: Eth1+Eth2 Merge and Sharding Last week, the EF eth2 research team hosted an online workshop focused on the two major upgrades slated for the beacon chain — the eth1+eth2 merge and sharding. Client devs — both eth1 and eth2 — and researchers from across the stack joined to listen for a dynamic set of presentations, Q&A, and discussions. This session — including talks by Dankrad, Vitalik, Mikhail, and Guillaume — was all live streamed and is available for your consumption! Just a quick plug for all the grants announced this week for the Staking Communty Grants round.…

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