Author: Olivia Martinez

Friends, The year ahead will be filled with upgrades and big ideas from across the Ethereum ecosystem. Since our last Supported Teams post (which followed the launch of the beacon chain), the network has seen 3.8+ million Ether staked, and 120K+ active validators online across multiple clients. In recent days, the launch of the Berlin network upgrade was completed, and since there’s always progress being made by other EF-supported projects, these updates are an opportunity to highlight more efforts to grow and improve Ethereum as a whole. Included in this edition are updates from many teams highlighted in the previous…

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It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on a couple of projects that are well underway – or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent milestones and achievements by grantees! Devfolio for Ethereum India Fellowship 2.0 Devfolio’s Ethereum India Fellowship 2.0 had two tracks, each targeting different groups for a rigorous 8 weeks of training and mentorship with the goal of onboarding talented developers into the Ethereum ecosystem. Track 1 brought 20 talented Web2 developers with little or no…

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The progress being made in the Ethereum ecosystem lately is really inspiring. Whether you’re excited by the adoption of proof of stake (and a faster, more secure, greener Ethereum), the coming Merge and other big upgrades, or by some of the many applications and solutions that have the power to change diverse industries, it is a great time to be a part of the Ethereum community. Our evolving role While we are all excited about the growth of Ethereum and the future that our collective work can help to create, I am also often asked about the role of the…

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Have you have ever been interested in getting involved in the development of the core Ethereum protocols? If so, there is a new program to discuss that’s targeted at you. As part of an EF procotol-support initiative, I’m very excited to announce the “Core Developer Apprenticeship Program”. What to expect Hi 👋, I’m Piper Merriam. I’ve been part of the Ethereum ecosystem for while. It’s been a wild ride. I’m reasonably sure that this is the best job I’ll ever have. This program is my way of trying to help more people find their way into doing impactful and interesting…

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With this blog post, the intention is to officially disclose a severe threat against the Ethereum platform, which was a clear and present danger up until the Berlin hardfork. State Let’s begin with some background on Ethereum and State. The Ethereum state consists of a patricia-merkle trie, a prefix-tree. This post won’t go into it in too much detail, suffice to say that as the state grows, the branches in this tree become more dense. Each added account is another leaf. Between the root of the tree, and the leaf itself, there are a number of “intermediate” nodes. In order…

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TL;DR: Ethereum will use at least ~99.95% less energy post merge. Ethereum will be completing the transition to Proof-of-Stake in the upcoming months, which brings a myriad of improvements that have been theorized for years. But now that the Beacon chain has been running for a few months, we can actually dig into the numbers. One area that we’re excited to explore involves new energy-use estimates, as we end the process of expending a country’s worth of energy on consensus. There aren’t any concrete statistics on energy consumption (or even what hardware is used) as of yet, so what follows…

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Friends, As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to grow and mature at break-neck speeds, we continue to work hard on delivering an amazing Devcon 6. Though the timing is still unclear as to when we’ll all be able to reunite in Bogota, we want to keep our community involved along the Road to Devcon! In an effort to do this, we’re announcing Road to Devcon Quests! What are Quests? Road to Devcon Quests are periodic engagements for our community to continually collaborate, contribute, and learn. For each Quest, you’ll have the opportunity to earn a POAP badge representing your participation —…

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Steady progress tl;dr Altair progress Altair, the first planned upgrade of the Beacon Chain, continues to make steady progress. Last week, we released Beacon Chain spec v1.1.0-alpha.6 — Protostellar Evolution. While this is an alpha release, barring a security or practical engineering concern, the spec is unlikely to change from here on in. Client teams are busy as they pass consensus test vectors and stand up short-lived testnets. Teams will make timeline decisions in the next few weeks as Altair code changes stablize and initial multi-client interop is performed. If you want to learn more about the upgrades coming to…

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It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on a couple of projects that are well underway – or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent milestones and achievements by grantees! GSN GSN (Gas Station Network) provides a decentralized infrastructure for dapp builders to decrease friction in their UX by abstracting away transaction costs. A network of relayers make “collect calls” to paymaster contracts which can implement any logic for gas payment conditions. A dapp developer could choose to cover…

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The long-anticipated London upgrade is now ready for deployement on the Ethereum testnets! The upgrade will first go live on Ropsten, at block 10499401, which is expected to happen around June 24, 2021. This upgrade follows Berlin, which was activated only a few months ago on the Ethereum mainnet. By starting the work on London while Berlin was being rolled out, client teams were able to release this network upgrade at record speed! The upgrade includes the following EIPs: The Ethereum Cat Herders have put out a blog post going over the details of these EIPs. It is worth noting…

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