Author: Olivia Martinez

Community & educationAutonomous Ecologies #1Black SkyConference that delved into the relationship between sovereignty and privacy, and how to establish privacy as a cornerstone of new technology.Community & educationBuildETH 2023Ethereum developer conference hosted in San Francisco, California for those interested in building, designing, scaling, and securing decentralized applications and protocols.Community & educationCluj Ethereum Developers MeetupsSeries of meetups and workshops in Cluj, Romania, aimed at educating developers on technical topics related to Ethereum.Community & educationDevfolioSupport students and developers in India through a series of community initiatives including online hackathons, workshops, a fellowship, and grants.Community & educationETH Beijing HackathonHackathon with a focus on…

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We are thrilled to announce the first-ever Devconnect Scholars Program! The Devconnect Scholars Program will provide talented and values-aligned individuals from communities currently geographically and demographically underrepresented in Ethereum with financial support to attend Devconnect in Istanbul this November. Apply to the program here by July 23rd, 2023. Why The Program Exists & Program Details For Ethereum to be a resilient and thriving protocol for human coordination – in the long term and for all humans – we believe there is a need for more diverse perspectives representing various geographies and demographics. Scholars are expected to bring their unique viewpoints…

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Barriers and drivers of blockchain adoption in emerging markets: Large-scale text analysis and survey experiments among African regulators and citizensEliza R Oak, Dr. Emmanuel Joel Aikins Abakah, & Mohammad AbdullahYale, University of Ghana, & UniSZA, MalaysiaTo discern the key drivers and barriers to blockchain adoption across Africa, this project proposes to systematically collate data through digital trace data, surveys, and interviews. By scraping data from social media, news articles, and Google search trends, the project aims to construct a country-level Blockchain Attitudes Adoption Index for all African nations, comparing it with measures of financial sector stability. The research will particularly…

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Devcon 7 is scheduled for 2024, and while the final location is still TBA, we can say one thing with certainty: Devcon is coming to Southeast Asia! 🌏 We can’t wait for our journey to Devcon 7 in Southeast Asia to begin and are happy to see that the Ethereum communities in SEA have been more active since we announced Devcon 7. It’s great to see communities from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam engaged. Today, we are launching the Road to Devcon (RTD) Grants round to support the rise of new Ethereum events, grassroots communities, and educational initiatives across…

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The Special Contribution Period for the KZG Ceremony ran 01-16 April 2023. This allowed participants to contribute in ways that may not have been possible in the Open Contribution period. While the Ceremony only needs a single honest participant to provide a secure output, Special Contributions provide additional assurances beyond a standard entropy contribution: computing over the entropy in an isolated environment (eg. on an airgapped machine, wiping and physically destroying hardware) means that it’s unlikely for a malicious entity to have extracted the entropy at any point.detailed documentation (explore links below) attached to real reputations are unlikely to all…

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As we look at our world, it seems that individual humans are increasingly on the edges and in the margins of the big stories that play out on our scrolling screens. The narratives that captivate and resonate with ordinary folks seem to exist at a scale beyond the reach of any one of us — Those big stories about economies, countries, and companies weave a narrative that can seem dire at times, or too big for an individual human to change in a meaningful way. But this is not the true narrative of the world, nor is it the right…

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Greetings, Ethereum builders and enthusiasts! We’re thrilled to announce that ticket sales for the Devconnect Cowork in Istanbul are now open! 🥳 You can get your tickets here,and also see that our website got a fresh new makeover! 💅 Come back here right after you snagged your ticket, to learn more about the Devconnect Cowork, planning your trip to Istanbul, and what to expect from the Devconnect schedule. The Legendary Devconnect Cowork 💻🦄 The concept of Devconnect works only because of the independent teams that organize events during Devconnect week. One thing we (the Devconnect team) are aiming to do…

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Community & educationDeFi Security SummitSummit in Paris, France covering all angles of DeFi security including auditing, tooling, and bug mitigation, by exploring some of the biggest DeFi exploits and diving into practical ways to increase security coverage for code.Community & educationDWeb Camp & Global Fellows ProgramInternet ArchiveFive-day event with the purpose of tackling real-world challenges facing web3 and co-creating decentralized technologies of the future.Community & educationETHBarcelonaConference and hackathon in Barcelona, Spain covering topics such as public goods, privacy, and scalability.Community & educationETH BelgradeConference and hackathon in Belgrade, Serbia covering topics such as zero knowledge (ZK), infrastructure, and scaling.Community & educationEthereum…

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tl;dr EELS is an execution layer reference implementation in Python.It’s up to date with mainnet.It fills tests, and passes existing ones.There’s an example of an EIP implemented in EELS below. Introduction After more than a year in development, we’re pleased to publicly introduce the Ethereum Execution Layer Specification (affectionately known as EELS.) EELS is a Python reference implementation of the core components of an Ethereum execution client focused on readability and clarity. Intended as a spiritual successor to the Yellow Paper that’s more programmer friendly and up-to-date with post-merge forks, EELS can fill and execute state tests, follow mainnet1, and…

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Geth v1.13 comes fairly close on the heels of the 1.12 release family, which is funky, considering it’s main feature has been in development for a cool 6 years now. 🤯 This post will go into a number of technical and historical details, but if you just want the gist of it, Geth v1.13.0 ships a new database model for storing the Ethereum state, which is both faster than the previous scheme, and also has proper pruning implemented. No more junk accumulating on disk and no more guerilla (offline) pruning! ¹Excluding ~589GB ancient data, the same across all configurations.²Hash scheme…

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