Browsing: Ethereum

Farmer minds his crops An optimistic outlook The fields are aflame tl;dr Medalla chugging along smoothlyClient diversity is a musteth1+eth2…

Community and EducationAkomba Education InitiativeOn-chain certification framework, and development of modular learning resources and accredited courses using this and…

Can’t travel these days Miss the people, not the planes Spadina, not Spain tl;dr Spadina “dress rehearsal” just around the…

📣 Last chance to practice genesis before mainnet 📣 tl;dr Announcing Spadina Launchpad As of today, the Spadina Launchpad is…

Oh you, Spadina, Finally, finality Hello and farewell tl;dr A quick Spadina postmortemNew testnet: Zinken. Launchpad is live; Genesis deposits…