Author: Olivia Martinez

URGENT ALL MINERS: The network is under attack. The attack is a computational DDoS, ie. miners and nodes need to spend a very long time processing some blocks. This is due to the EXTCODESIZE opcode, which has a fairly low gasprice but which requires nodes to read state information from disk; the attack transactions are calling this opcode roughly 50,000 times per block. The consequence of this is that the network is greatly slowing down, but there is NO consensus failure or memory overload. We have currently identified several routes for a more sustainable medium-term fix and have developers working…

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Today the network was attacked by a transaction spam attack that repeatedly called the EXTCODESIZE opcode (see trace sample here), thereby creating blocks that take up to ~20-60 seconds to validate due to the ~50,000 disk fetches needed to process the transaction. The result of this was a ~2-3x reduction in the rate of block creation while the attack was taking place; there was NO consensus failure (ie. network fork) and neither the network nor any client at any point fully halted. The attack has since, as of the time of this writing, mostly halted, and the network has for…

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During the last couple of weeks, the Ethereum network has been the target of a sustained attack. The attacker(s) have been very crafty in locating vulnerabilities in the client implementations as well as the protocol specification. While the recent patches have led to an overall increased resiliency in the client implementations, the attacks have also demonstrated that a lower-level change to the EVM pricing model is needed. For many users, the most visible consequence is probably that they are having difficulties getting transactions included in blocks, and full nodes are facing memory limitations in managing the bloated state. This is…

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The Ethereum network will be undergoing a hard fork at block number 2463000, which will likely occur between 12:00 and 13:00 UTC on Tuesday, October 18, 2016. A countdown timer can be seen at As a user, what do I need to do? Download the latest version of your Ethereum client: What happens if I do not participate in the hard fork? If you are using an Ethereum client that is not updated for the upcoming hard fork, your client will sync to the pre-fork blockchain once the fork occurs. You will be stuck on an incompatible chain following…

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Mist leaks some low level APIs, which Dapps could use to gain access to the computer’s file system and read/delete files. This would only affect you if you navigate to an untrusted Dapp that knows about these vulnerabilities and specifically tries to attack users. Upgrading Mist is highly recommended to prevent exposure to attacks. Affected configurations: All versions of Mist from 0.8.6 and lower. This vulnerability doesn’t affect the Ethereum Wallet since it can’t load external DApps. Likelihood: Medium Severity: High Summary Some Mist API methods were exposed, making it possible for malicious webpages to gain access to a privileged interface that could delete…

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One of the important indicators of how much load the Ethereum blockchain can safely handle is how the uncle rate responds to the gas usage of a transaction. In all blockchains of the Satoshian proof-of-work variety, any block that is published has the risk of howbecoming a “stale”, ie. not being part of the main chain, because another miner published a competing block before the recently published block reached them, leading to a situation where there is a “race” between two blocks and so one of the two will necessarily be left behind. One important fact is that the more…

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Summary: In some situations, variables can overwrite other variables in storage. Affected Solidity compiler versions: 0.1.6 to 0.4.3 (including 0.4.4 pre-release versions) Detailed description: Storage variables that are smaller than 256 bits are packed together into the same 256 bit slot if they can fit. If a value larger than what is allowed by the type is assigned to the first variable, that value will overwrite the second variable. This means if an attacker can cause an overflow in the value of the first variable, then the second variable can be modified. Creating an overflow in the first variable is…

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This blog post provides an update on our findings following the discovery of the storage corruption bug last week. In summary, the bug was much less severe than we initially thought. The small number of affected contracts we found is either only exploitable by the owner, or the exploit can only cause a disruption in the user interface and not in the actual contract logic. All exploitable contracts/dapps we reviewed can be fixed without having to upgrade the contract itself. Of course, please still check your contracts to be safe. Following the discovery of the storage corruption bug in the Solidity compiler and the realization…

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The Go Ethereum team is very proud to finally release Geth 1.5, which can almost be called a complete internal rewrite of the Go Ethereum (go-ethereum) codebase. We’ve packed a huge number of changes into this release, and simply listing them wouldn’t do them justice. Instead, we’ve decided to write them up in a more informal way, explaining not only what’s new, but also why it’s needed, and why it’s awesome! Go Ethereum website The go-ethereum project never really had a website. There was something auto-generated a long time ago by GitHub, but it couldn’t really be called a decent website as it…

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