Author: Olivia Martinez

As we embark on a new decade(!), the Ecosystem Support Program team wanted to speak to some of the recent growth, transition and learning around the program, and share details of our 2019 financial allocations. What is ESP? The Ecosystem Support Program (ESP) is the arm of the Ethereum Foundation focused on providing support to teams throughout the Ethereum ecosystem. This includes financial and non-financial support. ESP is an expansion of the Grants program, which previously focused primarily on monetary support. Improving Our Processes The 2019 Ethereum Foundation Spring Update first previewed some of our plans for evolving from Grants…

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The Updated Stateless Ethereum Tech Tree Apologies for the delay in releasing this post; there have been some unavoidable distractions in my life recently, as I’m sure there have been in yours. I hope that you are making the best of your circumstances, whatever they may be, and implore you to turn your empathy up to eleven for the next few months, and to help your community’s at-risk people in whatever capacity you can :pray:. With that said, let’s talk about Stateless Ethereum, and the changes to the Tech Tree! Graphically, the tree has been completely re-worked, but if you…

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Friends, From our team to you and yours, we hope everyone and their families are well and keeping safe during these complicated weeks. To help pass some time while we’re all stuck in doors, it’s time again to update the community on progress made by some of the EF-supported projects not covered in last week’s ESP Allocation Update. While the last Winter edition in this series was posted only a few months ago, we’ve all come a long way since the launch of the Istanbul network upgrade, and many teams have news to share. As always, these updates focus on…

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Since a lot of us have a bit more time on our hands, I thought now might be a good opportunity to proceed with something perhaps a little bit boring and tedious, but nevertheless quite fundamental to the Stateless Ethereum effort: understanding the formal Witness Specification. Like the captain of the Battleship in StarCraft, we’re going to take it slow. The witness spec is not a particularly complicated concept, but it is very deep. That depth is a little daunting, but is well worth exploring, because it’ll provide insights that, perhaps to your nerdy delight, extend well beyond the world…

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Hey Ethereum! Here’s the latest update from the team: Help us reach 30 languages! Over the last 6 months, the global Ethereum community has translated into 23 languages. Today, traffic to non-english pages accounts for more than 20% of all traffic. Over the next 2 months, we want to raise the total number of supported languages to over 30. If you are a speaker of a language that is not currently supported by, we’d love to have your help! We’re especially looking for native speakers of Vietnamese, Thai, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Finnish, or Ukranian. Even if your…

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We’ve all been pretty busy with all the things! I’ll try to keep these posts rolling out, but in the meantime, be sure to checkout Ben Edgington’s What’s New in Eth2 to get your fix. Tune into Ethereal Virtual Summit this Thursday and Friday! It’s full of excellent eth2 content and it’s 100% FREE. Thank you to all the organizers for their hard work in making the switch to online. I’m super excited 🙂 tl;dr Doubling bounty rewards Starting today all rewards in the Phase 0 Pre-Launch Bounty Program are being doubled for a maximum of $20k for critical bugs!…

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Developer Experience2 of 2 scorched earthA decentralized system for peer-to-peer content suggestion utilizing a “Two Of Two Scorched Earth” reward/punishment scheme proposed by Vitalik Buterin to incentivize quality content sharing. The goal of the project is to deliver a proof-of-concept implementation on mainnet to demonstrate the usefulness of this scheme for a variety of applications.Developer ExperienceEthWorksMaintenance and improvements on Waffle, a library for writing and testing smart contracts. Grant objectives include ENS integration, expanded documentation and addition of dynamic mocking. ExperiencePOA NetworkThe Arbitrary Message Bridge can not only transfer tokens between any two EVM-based chains, but can relay any data…

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To the users and the builders, We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Ethereum’s future is bright, and this year we are seeing much of that future come to life as the Ethereum ecosystem builds on a foundation laid by dedicated research and development over the last years. This update will focus on how the Ethereum Foundation aims to help further Ethereum’s progress, on what we’ve been working on in terms of allocations and more, and on why our outlook is brighter now more than ever. Who we are, and where we’ve been The focus of the Ethereum…

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Special thanks to Sacha Yves Saint-Leger & Danny Ryan for their review. At the core of every Proof of Stake system is a signature scheme. Signatures are used to verify the identity of each validator allowing their actions, both good and bad, to be attributed to them. We can verify honesty by looking at a validator’s signed messages and we can prove malice by showing messages that violate the rules of consensus. In fact, in eth2, the identity of a validator is their public key. Specifically, each validator has two sets of keys: a signing key and a withdrawal key.…

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Queridos Amigos, In our most recent update, we outlined what Devcon is all about and spoke to our renewed focus on growing the Ethereum ecosystem. Part of that focus is on making sure that, for all types of attendees, the next Devcon is all that we dream for it to be and more. For details on those goals and beyond, please read the full post here! Today, we’re going to tackle our site-selection and timing, along with more on what’s ahead for this year and beyond. 🥁 Our Selection 🥁 Getting right to it, we’re excited and proud to announce…

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